Who We Are

At VideoGameDesignSchools.org, our goal is to create the most complete and accurate resource for students interested in pursuing an video game design education that is also user friendly. We provide you with everything you need to make an informed decision regarding pursuing an video game design education. We not only give you the facts, figures and statistics regarding video game design education, but also personal anecdotes, experiences and advice about life after graduation.

Our site is anchored around a complete and honest expert discussion regarding video game design. Through this dialogue, our resident expert, Kate Compton, endeavors to methodically and comprehensively answer any and all questions you may have regarding the study of video game design. To help ensure that you know what to expect if you decide to pursue a degree or certificate in video game design, Kate Compton purposefully discusses important issues that you should be aware of. A Question & Answers database is maintained by Kate Compton in order to enhance the conversation on video game design.

We also have an exclusive aptitude test that you can take to find out if you are suited for a career in video game design. Our 10 question test is specifically designed to help you compare your strengths and weakness with those necessary for a successful career in video game design.

Our site also features 5 video game design student, professor and professional interviews. Through these interviews, our goal is to provide you with an insider’s look at both video game design education and video game design jobs. The information you will glean from these interviews is invaluable. We even have a particularly helpful video interview with Matthew Lee Johnston, an video game designer, who shares with you experiences and valuable advice based on his personal educational and career journey.

Kate Compton earned a bachelors degree in media studies from Pomona College in 2004; she later earned a masters degree in information design and technology from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is currently a PhD candidate in the computer science department of University of California in Santa Cruz; she was awarded a Chancellor’s Fellowship at that institution for the 2011-12 academic year. Following a one-year internship at Electronic Arts, she worked as a technical artist for that same company for 5 years.