Game Design Guide to Music
Keeping up with new societies, exercises, techniques, and instrument care is essential to advancing in music. Below is a collection of music resources available for free on the web, from music around the world and music history, to composers and basic music theory. For further resources on the web, check out Yale University Library’s extensive collection of Music Resources on the Web, Music Education Links for teachers just starting out and students thinking of pursuing music education, or Early Music Resources on the Web from Iowa State University’s Department of Music and Theater.
Music Associations and Societies
The Americana Music Association
College Music Society
Gospel Music Association
The Society for American Music
Women in Music
Piano Society
World Music
Music Clubs & Societies in Wales
United Kingdom
Indian Music Society
Japanese Koto Music
Hawaiian Music Resources
Akwaaba Music : African Music and Pop Culture
Jewish Music
National Geographic Presents: World Music
National Geographic features web pages devoted to several different international music genres, including Afro-Cuban, Arab, Nordic Folk, Persian classical, and many more.
Composers and Composing
Music Composition Programs
This site provides great links to web sites that explain the art of music composition on the computer, including the kind of equipment and programs one needs.
Index of Composers
Arranged chronologically, from medieval music in year 600, to modern music up to present day.
Tips on Composing
From University of South Carolina’s School of Music, comes advice on writing music, from how to get started, basic music theory reminders, and questions to ask about the piece.
Five Great Composers from Around the World
Each composer has a short biography and link to listen to free samples of their music.
Principles for Part Writing
Writing multiple lines and parts can be stressful and difficult. Using Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass (SATB) as a guide, this site walks the user through part writing.
Music History
The Classical Period (1775-1825)
A look at important forms, composers, and the style of classical music as an off shoot of the baroque and renaissance period.
Music History of the 20th and 21st Century: Folk Music, Jazz, and Music in Film
A History of the Wind Band: The Glorious March
A look at how marching bands evolved from military use of music.
A History of Music and Popular Culture in America
With an introduction to American pop culture, this essay delves into the growth of music as entertainment and an art form in the United States.
Instrument/Vocal Warm Ups and Maintenance
Trombone Studio Handbook: The Complete Warm-Up Routine
Vocal Warm Ups
Four warm-ups for as many as four voices.
Music Warm Ups and Exercises
Intended for a variety of woodwinds, brass, and strings.
Major 5-Finger Patterns
For piano and keys to increase flexibility, agility, and speed in the fingers.
Caring for Musical Instruments
A great collection of resources for instrument maintenance.
Instrument Care Recommendations
Strings, Piano, Brass, Woodwinds
Brass Instrument Care
Buying and Maintaining an Oboe or English Horn
Winter Health Tips for Vocalists
Eight great, detailed tips for vocalists for avoiding vocal loss in the colder months.
Some Tips for Choral Singers
In addition to warm ups, this article looks at the importance of precision, exaggeration, and preparation for a performance.
Music Theory
Free Music Theory Worksheets
Music Theory Fundamental Lessons, Analysis, and Part Writing
Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary
A comprehensive glossary of music terms from basic to complicated.
Worldwide Internet Music Resources
A collection of music theory websites
Music Theory Quick Facts Sheet
Avoiding Copyright Infringement
Music Performance Rights
Mechanical licensing, digital licensing, synchronization, and other music rights.
FAQ of Recording Performances
Including the kind of copyright relevant in music productions, the detail of uploading it online for others to see, recording covers.
Copyright and Anti-Trust Law : Public Performance Rights Licensing of Musical Works into Audiovisual Media
Obtaining Permission to Use a Copyrighted Work
Tips for finding and contacting the owner of the copyright
The Internet and Musical Copyright Law
An essay on the history of the music copyright, as well as song reproduction, performance, licensing, and recordings.