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Interactive Whiteboard: The Only School Resource Guide

Interactive Whiteboards are rapidly changing the dynamics within the classroom. The traditional style of teaching is fading into the background and the excitement is provoking teachers to combine resources, methods, and lesson plans faster that ever before. And the students are the ones who are benefiting. They no longer need to suffer from the boredom that comes from limited or the lack of participation. They can be actively engaged in the learning process. Isn’t this what every teacher strives for? Interactive Whiteboards are not simply projectors. They have sensors that can detect what the students or the teacher is doing and respond accordingly. The activities that can now take place in the classroom are, for lack of a better word, simply amazing. The benefits are expenential, whereas the only downfall is getting access to one of these amazing products. To address this, organizations are creating grants to increase the commonality within the classroom. Provided below are resources that teachers can use to get grants, get started, learn, and excel. Click around to learn more.

Basic Information



Lesson Plans

Interactive Activities

Get a SMART Board – Grants